Recently, when winter temperatures arrived, my husband built a fire in the fireplace, got a couple of blankets, and a few books. He asked our two youngest (now 10 & 15)
if they wanted to read by the fire with him. Cuddling by the fire with your dad while he reads to you and discusses life with you...that's a girl's dream come true.
What are your favorite books to read with your kids?
Reading with our kids gives us talking points for times when character is lacking or when our children are in the midst of a decision. There are so many great books that are worthy of our time. However, there are also books that are a waste of time. Choose well for the benefit of your child's character development, spiritual growth, or to expand their knowledge. The types of books I avoid are ones that include kids with bad attitudes or where evil wins in the story line. Our kids worldview is being shaped by all they take into their minds - whether it's something they're watching, reading, or listening to.
I've been reading this book with one of my daughters: The One Year Mother Daughter Devo by Dannah Gresh with Janet Mylin
I'm excited to start reading this book (The King’s Daughter And Other Stories For Girls by J.E. White). -some of these are affiliate links
with my youngest daughter. It is a great collection of stories to teach young girls about character. I have had this book for several years but I just looked on Amazon and it is still available (various covers but the same collection of stories).
Here's a couple more of my favorites that instill wisdom and character development in our kids' hearts:
(my grandmother used to read this series to my mother and my mother read it to me and now I read it to my children. It is still in print.)
I'd love for you to share a picture of your favorite books to read with your kids.
Val Harrison, The Practically Speaking MOM, is a mom to seven plus three in-law kids and two grandchildren. If you would like more from Val, you can follow her blog and podcast or find her books and other resources at Here's the direct link to her podcast.
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