SEE ANNOUNCEMENT at the end of this blog post FOR LISTENERS IN TULSA, OKLAHOMA, 8/21/21, Let's Get Together for Coffee Break Tour 2021! RSVP!!!
God has called me to encourage and equip ALL MOMS, no matter where your children receive their education. I know that circumstances are unique for every family. Even though I've been a homeschool mom for 24 years, my ministry is not limited to just homeschoolers. That being said, I do get a lot of questions about homeschooling, and this week I decided to answer your questions. I thought I'd give you a little peek into my heart and mind on my choices about education for my kids in episode 99 of the Practically Speaking MOM Podcast.
Doesn't it feel like we are constantly making difficult decisions about our children's lives.
We wrestle with each choice.
We stress.
We pray.
We just so badly want to choose well in our parenting.
Where your kids go to school and how they get their education is just one of the many ways you strive to do what is best for your children. None of us are cookie-cutter families and thus we each will have unique plans and purposes. It's okay for us to not choose the same options for our families in all kinds of areas, including education.
Here's the questions we'll be covering in Episode 99 of the Practically Speaking MOM Podcast:
Why do I not like the word, "Homeschooling" and what do I like instead?
How does Homeschooling differ from other options?
What are the PROS & CONS of homeschooling and what do I do about the cons if I decide to homeschool?
How can I manage my littles when I need to teach the older kids? Val will share SEVEN tips on this question!!!
What should my homeschool schedule look like?
How can I help my children reach MASTERY in their different subjects?
No matter what education option you choose, in this episode you will find some academic helps for all all of you! Such as, learning some skills for helping your student to achieve MASTERY of each of their subjects.
RESOURCES mentioned in this episode:
Val's downloadable booklet for Simple Homeschool Systems "Homeschooling in Real Life."
Val's downloadable booklet for the High School Years of homeschooling "Roadmap to College." for awesome learning memory songs
Episode about the Work Ethic & the Habit of Happiness, Episode 7
Episode about Getting Kids to Listen the First Time, Episode 5
Episode for Scheduling a Littles Day, Episode 19
Here's a couple of my homeschool resources that may benefit you. Click on the pictures for more details.
Do you live near TULSA, OK? Intentional Mamas, Let's Get Together Saturday, 8/21/21, 7-8:30pm with Val Harrison, The Practically Speaking MOM for the Coffee Break Tour Event in Tulsa OK!!! RSVP Required at